Monday, September 23, 2013


ASDM – Adaptive Security Device Manger Setup

ASDM –Adaptive Security Device Manager – access through web browser & Java based applications.
The connection to ASDM is over SSL so connection always encrypted between client and ASA.
If you want to connect through browser you must configure ip address of the inside interface.
ASA first connect through CLI for basic configuration then only you can connect ASDM.

Basic Configuration:
ASA# config t
(config)#interface Vlan 1
(config)# ip address
(config)#nameif inside

Inside security level for inside set to 100 default.
(config)#interface Ethernet 0/1
(config)# no shutdown
Finaly you can check
# show interface Ethernet 0/1
Ethernet 0/1 is up and line protocol is up
Client pc connect with same network and check with PING cmd.
(config)#enable password XXXXX

ASA have build in web server … you should enable that web server. And all http connection denied by ASA. So you have to specify the ip address that are allowed to access ASDM.

(config)# http server enable
(config)#http inside network will allow to access the ASDM through inside.
Now you type ASDM in web browser it will request run ASDM or ASDM Wizard. Select run ASDM +it will ask username and password.
We didn’t configure still now. So just enter enable password in password filed. Username should be empty.

It will open GUI application.

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