1. What is the use of tracert or trace route command?
Tracert (to trace the routes) command used to find the routes. The packets travelling from source to destination.(How many routers is crossing from source to destinations we can find. Maximum of 30 hops. [Include your networks also])
C:\>tracert google.co.in
Tracing route to google.co.in []over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms 1 ms <1 ms [your network]
2 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms
7 22 ms 21 ms 24 ms
8 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms maa03s04-in-f23.1e100.net
…..8 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms maa03s04-in-f23.1e100.net
Trace complete.
2. What is three-way-handshake in TCP?
Three-way-handshake is process in TCP over IP. shortly we tell- syn, syn-ack
& ack. Source and destination device (during the tcp initialization process)exchanging few control packets, before data communication process. This synchronization is called three-way-handshake.
& ack. Source and destination device (during the tcp initialization process)exchanging few control packets, before data communication process. This synchronization is called three-way-handshake.
Start the exchange of data both TCP devices (Sending device and receiving device) before need to be synchronized. During the tcp initialization process. The sending and receiving device exchange a few control packets for synchronization purposes. This exchange known as a three-way handshake.
3. Explain routing protocols and routed protocols?
Routing protocols:
Routing protocol helps the router to find the best path based on the routing table. (Routing protocol helps the router to bind routing table automatically). Routing protocols used in router to exchanging routing information between routers.
Routed Protocols:
Routed protocols help the router to forward data packets from one router to another router. Routed protocol used to send Data packets to outside network.
IP and IPX - Internet Packet Exchange, SPX -Sequence Packet Exchange (Novell Platform), Apple Talk
4. How to configure ip address in command prompt?
Netsh command:
netsh interface ip set address name="local area network" static x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x.x.x.x 1
netsh interface ip set address name="local area network" static x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x.x.x.x 1
netsh interface ip set address "local area network" dhcp
netsh interface ip set dns "local area connection" static x.x.x.x
netsh interface ip set dns "local area connection" dhcp
5. What is routing? explain classless routing and classful routing?
Routing is a process to moving data between source to destionation (from one network to another network) based on its ip address is called routing.
Classful and Classless routing:
Routing protocol do not send subnet mask information when a route update is sent out. All devices in the network must use the same subnet mask.
Classless Routing:
Routing protocol sends subnet mask information in the routing updates. classless routing allows VLSM (Variable Length subnet mask),
6.What is use of ARP?
Address resolution protocol used to find the physical address of another host [from the well-known ip address of the host]. (Same Network)
7. What is use of Reverse ARP?
Reverse ARP used to find the ip address of the host [from the well-known Mac address of the host]. (Same network).
8. What is Proxy ARP?
Node configure with default gateway. the router goes down. Node will not confiure automatically to another default gateway until system admin configure manually. we can not configure more then one default gateway. if you enable proxy arp this protocol helps the node to automatically connect from this subnet to remote subnet.. with out configuration (if default gateway rotuer goes down).
9. What is Matric?
Matric is distance between source and destination... This Matric will differe from one protocol to another protocol. example RIP matric value 16 hops.
10.What is the administrative distance of the routing protocol?
Administrative Distance:
Dynamic-0 Static-1 EIGRP- 90 IGRP-100 OSPF-110
RIP -120 EBGP-20 IBGP-200
RIP -120 EBGP-20 IBGP-200
11. What is collusion Domain and broadcast domain?
Collusion domain:
Collision domain is a logical network segement in which the packets collided with one another due to being send on the same shared media.
Switches break up collision domain. collusion domain cannot be a broadcast domain.
Broadcast domain:
A broadcast domain is a logical network segment in which the traffice is transmitted out to all the connected network devices, provided that the devices share the same subnet and are in the same vlan.
Routers break up broadcast domain.
Broadcast cost domain is a link it will send broadcast to all other port with in the LAN. With in the same network broadcast allowed to all other port.. broadcast domain can be a collusion domain.
A broadcast domain is a logical network segment in which the traffice is transmitted out to all the connected network devices, provided that the devices share the same subnet and are in the same vlan.
Routers break up broadcast domain.
Broadcast cost domain is a link it will send broadcast to all other port with in the LAN. With in the same network broadcast allowed to all other port.. broadcast domain can be a collusion domain.
12. How the DHCP uptain IP address?
4 steps:
1. Discovery 2.Offer 3. Request 4. Acknowledge
13. .What is use of PING Command?
PING command used to check whether a computer or device communicating with other computer or device over the network.
To Test purpose - whether source computer to reach the specified destination computer.
Loop back purpose also Ping (Network Stack working or not)
Ping command used by ICMP protocol. Echo request send from Source and waiting echo reply from Destination.
14. What is the use of ipconfig command?
ipconfig Usage: default command contains the IP address, network mask and gateway for all physical and virtual network adapter.
Ipconfig /all
This option displays the same IP addressing information for each adapter as the default option. Additionally, it displays DNS and WINS settings for each adapter.
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /release "Local Area Connection 1"
ipconfig /release *Local*
ipconfig /release *Local*
ipconfig /renew
15. How many host can configure in /28?
Netmask: = 28 11111111.11111111.11111111.1111 0000
Network: (Class C)
Hosts/Net: 14 (Private Internet)
16.Why should we use ip classless command ?
when implementing default-route,
The behavior and the way router in order finding the destination subnet is different when we implement using ip classless vs ip classful
Example routing table : is subnetted, 3 subnets
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0
D [90/2172416] via, 00:00:33, Serial1/2
C is directly connected, Serial1/1
S* [1/0] via
Case when router received packet destined to,
ip classful behavior : the router will try to find the answer on the subnet class and will not try to look even further outside that range, it could not find any line match, packet will be dropped
ip classless behavior : the router will try to find the answer on the subnet class, since it can't find the match destination subnet, it tries outside the subnet class, hit the default-route line, packet forwarded to next-hop
What is Object Groups in ASA and Use?
Object Grouping allows objects such sa ip hosts, networks, protocols, ports, and ICMP types to be collected into object groups. Once configured object group you can used with ACCESS List or Conduit.
In order to reference all objects within that group. This is reduce the configuration size.
You cannot rename the object group. You need to delete them and apply them again with the changes.
Once the access list is created with object group, it must be applied to the interface with the access-roup command
How will you Trouble shooting of object group?
Show running-config object-group –show currently defined ACL
Show access-list no. – it will show each object access list defined.
Clear object-group Grp-type – When you enter without parameter (grp-type). Command clear all defined object group (entire object group). So while entering clear object group command must watch grp-type is must.
What is stack in Switch?
stackable switch is a network switch that is fully functional operating standalone but which can also be set up to operate together with one or more other network switches, with this group of switches showing the characteristics of a single switch.
The common characteristic of a stack acting as a single switch is that there is a single IP address for remote administration of the stack as a whole, not an IP address for the administration of each unit in the stack
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