Saturday, September 21, 2013


ASA Trouble Shooting Commands

TECHIE# show crypto isakmp sa
Active SA: 2

    Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)

Total IKE SA: 2

1   IKE Peer:
    Type    : L2L             Role    : initiator
    Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE

2   IKE Peer:
    Type    : L2L             Role    : initiator
    Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE

Techie# show crypto isakmp sa detail

    Active SA: 2
    Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)

Total IKE SA: 2

1   IKE Peer:
    Type    : L2L             Role    : initiator
    Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE
    Encrypt : des             Hash    : MD5
    Auth    : preshared       Lifetime: 28800
    Lifetime Remaining: 7500

2   IKE Peer:
    Type    : L2L             Role    : initiator
    Rekey   : no              State   : MM_ACTIVE
    Encrypt : des             Hash    : MD5
    Auth    : preshared       Lifetime: 28800
    Lifetime Remaining: 16339

Techie # show crypto ipsec sa

Interface: outside
 Crypto map tag: vpnmap, seq num: 50, local addr:
       access-list datacenter permit ip 255.25

      local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
      remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

      #pkts encaps: 6848039, #pkts encrypt: 6848039, #pkts digest: 6848039
      #pkts decaps: 7450376, #pkts decrypt: 7450376, #pkts verify: 7450376
      #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
      #pkts not compressed: 6848039, #pkts comp failed: 0, #pkts decomp failed:
      #pre-frag successes: 0, #pre-frag failures: 0, #fragments created: 0
      #PMTUs sent: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, #decapsulated frgs needing reassembly: 0
      #send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0
      local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
      path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 58, media mtu 1500
      current outbound spi: 3162F87A
    inbound esp sas:
      spi: 0xE3B3F018 (3820220440)
         transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac none
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 1, crypto-map: vpnmap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4229642/18948)
         IV size: 8 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
    outbound esp sas:
      spi: 0x3162F87A (828569722)
         transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac none
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 1, crypto-map: vpnmap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4267592/18948)
         IV size: 8 bytes
         replay detection support: Y

     Crypto map tag: vpnmap, seq num: 51, local addr:
       access-list camarillo permit ip 255.255.25
      local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
      remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

      #pkts encaps: 11121, #pkts encrypt: 11121, #pkts digest: 11121
      #pkts decaps: 1181, #pkts decrypt: 1181, #pkts verify: 1181
      #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
      #pkts not compressed: 11121, #pkts comp failed: 0, #pkts decomp failed: 0
      #pre-frag successes: 0, #pre-frag failures: 0, #fragments created: 0
      #PMTUs sent: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, #decapsulated frgs needing reassembly: 0
      #send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0

      local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
      path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 58, media mtu 1500
      current outbound spi: 336470A4

    inbound esp sas:
      spi: 0x414FD48E (1095750798)
         transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac none
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 4, crypto-map: vpnmap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4274964/18777)
         IV size: 8 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
    outbound esp sas:
      spi: 0x336470A4 (862220452)
         transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac none
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 4, crypto-map: vpnmap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4274965/18777)
         IV size: 8 bytes
         replay detection support: Y

Techie # show run crypto isakmp

crypto isakmp identity address

crypto isakmp enable outside

crypto isakmp policy 10
 authentication pre-share
 encryption des
 hash md5
 group 2
 lifetime 28800
crypto isakmp policy 30
 authentication pre-share
 encryption 3des
 hash sha
 group 2
 lifetime 86400

Techie # show run crypto ipsec

crypto ipsec transform-set vpnset esp-des esp-md5-hmac

crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac

Techie # Show run crypto map

crypto map vpnmap 1 match address outside_1_cryptomap
crypto map vpnmap 1 set pfs
crypto map vpnmap 1 set peer
crypto map vpnmap 1 set transform-set vpnset
crypto map vpnmap 50 match address datacenter
crypto map vpnmap 50 set peer
crypto map vpnmap 50 set transform-set vpnset
crypto map vpnmap 51 match address camarillo
crypto map vpnmap 51 set peer
crypto map vpnmap 51 set transform-set vpnset
crypto map vpnmap 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic outside_dyn_map
crypto map vpnmap interface outside

Debug commands for VPN tunnels

To debug isakmp: debug crypto isakmp

To debug ipsec: debug crypto ipsec

To manually clear an ISAKMP or IPSEC SA:

Clear crypto ipsec

Clear crypto isakmp

To clear isakmp or ipsec sa based on ip address or crypto map: 

To clear IPsec SA counters: Clear crypto ipsec sa counters

To clear IPsec SAs by entry: Clear IPsec SAs entry ip address

To clear IPsec SAs by map: Clear IPsec SAs map cryptomap _name

To clear IPsec SA by peer: Clear IPsec SA peer ip address

To clear ISAKMP SA by ipaddress : clear crypto Isakmp SA ipaddress


To reset all the tunnels

 Clear crypto Isakmp sa

To reset only one tunnel reset

 clear ipsec sa peer <Address of the other end of the tunnel>

clear ipsec sa peer

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