Saturday, September 21, 2013



Setup Mode - Reset the router password

Notes: - To Reset the router password

Would you like to start intial configuration[yes/no]:

if the router is a already configured

Press enter to get started

[1]  ROMMONITOR-similar to BIOS(0)

[2]  RxBOOT-Partial IOS(1)  - Contain a min version of IOS so the

router boot then its loads the IOS.

If there is a problem in the booting process, the above two 

booting takes place.

In case if the flash is corrupted, and when the router is not able to find the flash 

of the image, it tries to find it in the network with the help of TFTP(Trivial File Transfer

Protocol). Router checks for the TFTP for 5 minutes. If it doesn’t finds it checks the 13th

 bit of the configuration revision number for if it  is 1(default it is 0). If 1, boots from

RxBOOT else if 0 boots from ROMMONITOR.

To Reset the password,

1) Switch off and restart the router.

2) In the first 60 sec press (ctrl+pause).

3) Routers CMOS setup is ROMMON> or >

 Routers>confreg 0x2142



Here 4 represents skip the NVRAM boot (Because configuration is saved

in it).

4) Restart the router





ROUTER (boot)>

5)  Would you like to start intial configuration [ues/no]:

      Press enter to get started


     Techie#copy start run

     Techie#configure terminal

     Techie(config)#enable secret xxx

     Techie(config)#config-register 0x2102

     Techie(config)#copy run start

All passwords are set during the configuration except the console

and auxillary password.

When running-config is copied from start-config, interface is shutdown.

•  To show running and start configurations

   Techie#sh running-config

   Techie#sh start-config

•  To show versions

   Techie#sh version

 •  To restart


Password 1 – 7-password level it will show in the running-config.

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